

I have ridden E.T. which is atraction of USJ.
But I have never watch E.T.s' movie.
So I decided to read this book this time.
Extra-Terrestrials came to Earth to see the plants.
They loved nature.
When they saw the plants, scientists came to the forest.
So Extra-Terrestrials run away and they took the spaceship.
But one of Extra-Terrestrial couldn't took the spaceship.
This Extra-Terrestrial is this books' main character.
We call him 'ET'.
ET met a boy Elliot. Elliot is kind boy.They became friends.
E.T. couldn't understand words but Elliot taught words,
E.T. could understood a littel words.
Few days later, scientists came to Elliot house.
They tried catching E.T.
Elliot and his friends realized that,they run away from scientists and adult.
When they surrounded by many people,E.T. used special power.
Them bike were frying!!!!!!
I think this is famous seen of the world.
If I were Elliot, I would go to many place with E.T.
We must be a good friends :D

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