
OC1 websites

Christmas around the world
1. What are two other names for Santa Claus mentioned on the website?
   Nicholas and Santa Clause
2. What is a Christmas cracker?

  U.K.'s traditional cracker which is used by children.
3. Why does Santa wear red?

   Coca Cola's advertisement was very popular and nowadays everyone think Santa Clause wears clothes.

1. Which painter’s art is mentioned as being in Kurashiki?
    It is Claude Monet.
2. What is tingatinga?
  It  is  popular art style of Tanzania.
3. Why did one of the artists use cats?
    It is because Kuniyoshi liked the cats.

Endangered animals in the world
1. What two categories of endangered animals are reviewed?
   In the forests and in the sea.
2. How does El Nino affect life in the Pacific ocean?
   The temperature of salt water will be high and the number of fish will decrease.
3. What si the red list?
   It is a list which was written about endangered animal.

Love in the movies
1. What are the main features of Indian movies? (i.e. what do most movies contain?)
   Dancing which express the love.
2. How is love expressed in Uk and USA movies? Does this happen in Indian movies?
   Act express love much more than word in UK.
   In the USA express the kiss scene.
3. Who fell in love with Nino? What happened?
   It is Amelie. Nino sent a letter to her.

History of fashion
1. How many fashion styles are mentioned on the website?
   It is thirteen.
2. How did the grange look emerge?
   It originate from the adjective "grungy"  which means  dirty or slightly soiled.
3. Who were the mods?
   Man who ride on scooter.

Schools all over the world
1. What's one school rule in Australia?
   "Don't blindly starling at the kangaroo"
2. What is served at school lunches in Slovakia?
    It is brown bread, tomatoes, fish, cheese and fruits.
3. What are red-labelled foods?
    I can't find.   

World Festivals
 1. How can we celebrate Holi?
    We can splashing  or rubbing each other with colorful powder and water.
2. Which city holds Oktober Fest?
   It is Munichi.
3. What can you do and not do at La Tomatina?
   I must not to tear other people's clothes and you must obey the time limits.

   After Tomatonia,  I should clean  my clothes and body with water from hose.

World Mysteries;
1. Where is a possible location of the lost city of Atlantis?
   It is Bermuda Triangle.
2. What are some ideas concerning what happened to the Mary Celeste?
   It is ,,,they were caught by pirates. Another  idea was they ware attached by huge squid. 

   Another idea was they lost their feet when they climbed onto an iceberg.
3. Which is your favourite Nazca Line drawing?
   It is condor. 

World Superstitions;
1. What does it mean when a Chinese boy gives a Chinese girl shoes?
   It mean "They'll part."
2. Are black cats good or bad luck in Europe?
    They are good luck.
3. What does a sneeze mean in Islam?

   It is said that a sneeze throw out a malicious thing. 
   Muhammad said "Thanks to god." when he sneezed.

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